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Zinc Test Kits

CHEMetrics offers test kits employing the well-known Zincon reagent to deliver sensitivity and accuracy within two minutes or less. Based on CHEMetrics patented Self-Filling Reagent Ampoule technology. Premixed. Premeasured. Precise. Each kit contains 30 tests.

The Zinc Vacu-vials test kit K-9903 can be used with a Hach DR900 Colorimeter in conjunction with the CHEMetrics DR900 Vacu-vials® Adapter, Cat. No. A-0215. No endorsement by Hach Company is implied or intended.

Zincon Method

CHEMetrics' method determines soluble zinc in drinking water and wastewater. Zinc reacts with the reagent zincon in a buffered alkaline solution to form a blue complex. Interference from other heavy metals can be eliminated by the addition of cyanide. However, for safety, cyanide has not been included in the reagent formulation. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/l) Zn.

Shelf-life: although the reagent in the ampoule is stable, the indicator solution has an eight-month shelf-life. We recommend stocking quantities that will be used within seven months.

APHA Standard Methods, 22nd ed., Method 3500-Zn B- 1997.
ASTM D 1691-84, Zinc in Water, Test Method A.

Technical Data Sheet


Zinc deposits are present in much of the earth's crust. The metal provides an effective protective coating for steel (galvanised coatings) and is useful as an alloying agent. Zinc salts are useful as corrosion inhibitors in cooling water treatment formulations. The USEPA has established a Maximum Secondary Drinking Water Standard of 5 mg/l for zinc. The EU Drinking Water Directive does not have a standard for Zinc levels in drinking water. The WHO has advised that levels above 3 mg/l may not be acceptable to consumers.